
Major and Minor Scales on Guitar

When you start looking more into music theory, such as how chords are made, and starting wanting to learn more about how to write your own songs, or how to improvise on guitar; everything comes back to basic major and minor scales. You can think of these scales as the ruler by which other scales are measured. What Defines a Scale? A scale is defined by it’s intervals. The name that we give a scale denotes the intervals within that scale (this will make more sense later).

Music Theory Basics: Triads

Triads are the basic building blocks of Western Music. Triads form the basic chords that are extensively used in the music that you and I listen to. A triad is formed from three notes. If you are not too familiar with intervals, you may want brush up on them. When forming any triad, we start with a root note, which we label as 1. Major Triads The major triad has a root (1), major third (3) and a perfect fifth (5).

Music Theory Basics: Introduction to Intervals on Guitar

A fundamental concept of music theory is the idea of intervals. An interval is the musical distance (or difference) between two notes. On guitar, you can think of it as how many frets there are between two notes. Think About Musical Intervals on Guitar When it comes to beginners thinking about intervals, the guitar gives us a problem: We have a lot of strings This can make it difficult to visualise intervals, especially when working them out across strings.